Why You Should Get a Septic Inspection
If you own a home, you should get CT Septic Inspection to check if your system is functioning properly. Having a professional inspect your system is important for several reasons. You’ll want to ensure that your system is not causing any problems. If you notice a problem, you’ll be able to address it and ensure that it is resolved.

A septic tank inspection is important for a variety of reasons. Regular inspections will prevent costly repairs and ensure that a septic system is working properly. A visual inspection of the tank is quick and convenient, but an in-depth inspection will provide more comprehensive information about the tank’s condition.
When an inspector performs a septic tank inspection, they will remove the tank cover and check the water levels in the tank. They will also check to see how effective the system is at distributing wastewater. One of the most common methods to test drainage efficiency is by introducing a dye into tap water coming from the house and running it into the tank. The dyed water will show up in the septic tank, indicating whether the system is working properly. If the dyed water backs up into the drain field, there is a problem with the tank or drain field.
Another important aspect of a septic tank inspection is to check for sludge. This substance accumulates in the bottom of the tank and should not fill more than a third of the tank volume. In addition, the level of sludge should be below the level of the baffles. It is also important to make sure the septic tank is located in a place that is away from streams and wells.
Septic tank lids are often made of heavy concrete, and it can be difficult to move them. Even older models may require a shovel to lift them. These lids can also become damaged over time. To prevent further damage to your septic tank, it is important to check your lids regularly.
A septic tank lid should be uncovered for inspection and pumping once a year. If you have a two-compartment tank, you’ll want to open both compartments. The unpumped second compartment can fill with solids and cause problems. If you’re unsure whether your tank has two compartments, you can try a probe bar. But this method is not suitable for polyethylene and fiberglass tanks and only works for tanks located a couple of feet below ground.
You can also use a metal detector to find the lid of the septic tank. The lid may be buried as deep as four feet. If you can’t locate the lid, you’ll need to contact a professional. Alternatively, you can look in your yard for areas where there is a large clump of rocks or landscaped areas.
Septic tank flow tests are an important part of a thorough septic inspection. If little or no water is flowing into the holding tank, it’s an indication that there’s a problem with the sanitary line or plumbing. Pipe displacement, cracks, tree roots, or debris may be to blame. If water flows into the holding tank but isn’t draining to the sewer, there’s a problem upstream.
The inspector will also look for standing water or plumbing backups. This water may contain toxins that have accumulated in the septic tank. If the water is contaminated, the inspection will determine whether the tank needs to be replaced or needs to be repaired. A septic inspection should be performed before buying or selling a property. In addition, many real estate contracts include a septic inspection contingency.
The septic inspector will also check the regulating valves, which are installed inside the tank. They need to be secure and well-attached. It’s also important to check the effluent filter, which stops solids from flowing out of the tank into the drain field and contaminating the groundwater.
The cost of a septic inspection varies greatly, depending on the size of your tank and the complexity of the inspection. A basic inspection, which includes a visual inspection, can run from $200 to $300. However, more in-depth septic tank inspections can run as high as $500. These inspections may also involve the excavation of ports and additional testing.
Septic tank inspections are important and should be performed by a certified, experienced septic inspector. If you’re planning on buying a new home with a pre-installed septic system, it’s always best to have it inspected before you make the final decision. A septic tank inspection will also enable you to request repairs if needed before closing.
Some sellers will have a septic inspection performed before selling their homes. If the inspection reveals a serious problem with the system, it may be beneficial to negotiate with the seller. In such cases, the seller can offer to cover the costs of the inspection or offer a closing credit equal to the cost. However, if the seller is concerned with the state of the system, the buyer has the legal right to walk away from the deal.